Ermington Public School is a vibrant community where education is highly valued by the students, teachers and parents.
Established in 1888, our school has developed a proud tradition that caters for each and every student. The school aims to provide an environment which encourages each student to achieve their full potential in all aspects of their learning, including academically, socially, emotionally and physically. There are currently 427 students ranging from Kindergarten to Year 6, including two opportunity classes.
School mission statement
Ermington Public School provides a secure and stimulating environment within which the student is able to develop in order to face the challenges of society. Ermington Public School caters for the development of the whole child. Literacy and numeracy skills are integrated across all curriculum areas; physical development is fostered by a highly successful and well-planned physical education program; music is respected as a core activity from Kindergarten to Year 6; and the practical arts focus is evident in outstanding displays and performances. The community is very involved and supportive of students, staff and programs. Many initiatives have their origins in meetings with parents.
School Information Booklet
Please refer to the school information booklet for any general information about Ermington Public School.