Ermington Public School

Virtus in Arduis - A quality education in a caring environment

Telephone02 9874 4109


Library information

Our library is situated above the administration block at the front of the school. Mrs Harrison and Miss Brown, our teacher-librarians, takes library lessons that focus on literature, information and technology skills. The library is open for student borrowing during class library lessons and during the second half of lunch Monday to Thursday.

Library monitors

Students in Years 5 may apply to be a library monitor for the following year. This is a leadership role and an application form is required to be completed. Monitors are required to be enthusiastic, dedicated and extremely helpful volunteers.

Friends of the library

Parents and relatives who volunteer to assist in the library are always welcome! There is an endless list of jobs, big and small, that you can help with. The jobs range from covering new books, repairing our 'hospital' books, shelving, and much more. Drop in at any time to offer your support. Our library helpers are a huge help in keeping the library running smoothly.

Library bags

All students must have a library bag that can be fastened – zip, cord, velcro and so on. School library bags are available from the uniform shop for a reasonable price. Students may not borrow a book if they do not have a library bag. Grocery shopping bags are sometimes used in an emergency.


All classes visit the library for a lesson and to borrow every week. Loans are for a two week period, but most students return their books weekly.

Lunch time activities

The air-conditioned library is a popular lunch time destination, and is open in the second half of lunch every day except Friday.  Students may play games, read books or magazines, draw, colour in, relax in our cosy corner, listen to music or even on special occasions, watch a DVD or video.  Computers may be accessed for research or recreational use. Staff on duty and library monitors supervise and organise lunch time activities.

Book week

This celebration of our incredibly talented Australian authors and illustrators takes place every year in Term 3. The Children's Book Council of Australia short lists books that are judged to be quality works, the results of this competition are released in book week. Our school celebrates by holding a whole-school dress up parade, where students come dressed as their favourite book character.

Scholastic book club

Scholastic book club orders are very popular at our school. Not only are students able to order discounted quality books, our school also receives a credit for 20% of the total of student orders allowing us to purchase resources for the library thus providing for student recreational and educational reading needs. Over the last two years alone, hundreds of books have been added to our library shelves thanks to your book club purchases.

There are two catalogues sent home per term. If you wish to place an order, fill in the coupon carefully and return it to the book club box in the library in a sealed envelope. The due date is advertised in the school newsletter.