Get to know our school staff. We're all here to help.
Our professional, university-educated teachers encourage students to develop a love of learning and a desire to succeed. They maintain the highest integrity and concern for your child’s wellbeing.
The principal is responsible for the educational leadership and management of our school. If you would like to speak to the principal, please contact us to make an appointment.
Our school administrative staff can answer inquiries or direct you to the appropriate staff member for help.
Our teaching and administrative staff
Ms Riley
Deputy principal
Mrs MacKenzie
Assistant principals
Mrs Bruce (relieving)
Miss Kim
Miss Lam
Mrs McCarroll (relieving)
Teaching staff
KB - Miss Cumberland
KM - Mrs Mccarroll
KCQ - Mrs Chow / Mrs Qian
Stage 1
1K - Miss C. Kim
K/1KD - Miss Kim / Mrs Donnelly
1R - Mrs Rossiter
2S - Miss Smilas
2R - Ms Riccobono
2SL - Mrs Shield / Mrs Langford
Stage 2
3F - Miss Flack
4/3H - Mrs Harrison
4J - Ms Blackman
4S - Miss Scott
Stage 3
5T - Mr Talevski
5X - Miss Xu
6B - Mrs Bruce
6C - Mrs Clarke
6/5CU - Mr Care Unger
Additional Learning Programs
Mrs MacKenzie - Learning and Support Teacher
Mrs Cheng - EAL/D (Stage 2 & 3)
Mr Clark - Physical Education (Stage 2 & 3) / Technology (Stage 3)
Mrs Harrison - Library (Stage 2 & 3) / Technology (Stage 2)
Ms Chan - EAL/D
Ms Vallentine - Music
Miss Naughton - Library / Tech (Stage 1) & Support
Miss Bonnici - Support
Student Learning Support Officers
Mrs Civitella
Mrs Riley
Mr Skinner
Mrs Slender
Mrs Spanovic
School Administrative Support Staff
Ms Barry - School Administrative Manager
Mrs Connors
Ms Steel
Additional staff members
General Assistant - Mr AJ
General Assistant - Mr Bels
Technology - Mr Spiros
School Counsellor - Ms Taylor
School Chaplain - Mrs Kim