Primary Schools Sports Association
The Primary Schools Sports Association (PSSA) provides opportunities for primary to participate in competitive sport against schools in the local Ryde area. Students in Years 3-6 participate in their sport program on Friday afternoons from 2–3pm. Students have the opportunity to represent our school in a range of sports. Selection in these teams is determined through trials. Sports undertaken in summer include cricket, t-ball and softball. Sport undertaken in winter include soccer, netball, AFL and tiger tag.
Ermington Public School offers the following summer sports as part of PSSA:
- cricket
- newcombe ball
- softball
- t-ball
- volleyball
Ermington Public School offers the following winter sports as part of PSSA:
- soccer
- tiger tag
- netball
For more information about PSSA, visit the Ryde PSSA website.
Other Sporting Opportunities
During the year Years 3-6 students have the opportunity for selection in sporting teams which will participate in gala day carnivals, including:
- milo cricket
- rugby league
- touch football
- aerobics
Instruction provided leads to the students performing at a number of functions during the year both within and outside of school hours.
The students are able to learn one of the following instruments:
- flute
- saxophone
- trumpet
- euphonium
- drums
- clarinet
- trombone
Clarinet lessons are taught by privately employed person. Instruction provided leads to the students performing at a number of functions during the year both within and outside of school hours.
String group
String is taught by a privately employed person. Instruction provided leads to the students performing at a number of functions during the year both within and outside of school hours.
Tuned percussion
Tune percussion is taught by several of the teachers. Instruction provided leads to the students performing at a number of functions during the year both within and outside of school hours.
A junior (Years 3 and 4) and senior (Years 5 and 6) choir operate at Ermington Public School. Choir is held on Tuesday afternoon and taught by several of the teachers. The students perform at a number of functions during the year both within an outside of school hours.
Dance groups operate at our school for boys and girls. Students audition for these groups early in the school year and train at lunch time and after school in preparation for competitions. Students are given the opportunity to compete for places in state and national championships held around Australia.
Non-sporting extra-curricular activities
Ermington Public School offers a range of extra-curricular activities, including:
- drama groups
- debating
- chess
To find out more information about these activities, please contact the school office.